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發布時間:2014-09-10   訪問次數:18678







1. 太陽能清潔能源利用,熔鹽儲能儲熱

2. 化工過程數值模擬研究🖲,多物理場耦合數值分析


2000.9-2004.6:學士,EON4注册 環境工程專業

2004.9-2009.6🙇🏼‍♂️:博士🦑,EON4注册 化學工程專業






2016.02-2016.03🧑‍🧒‍🧒:國際合作交流,University of Birmingham, University of Nottingham

2012.11-2013.11:訪問學者,University of Leeds, UK





中國無機鹽協會熔鹽儲能專業委員會   副秘書長

中國有色金屬學會熔鹽化學與技術專業委員會   委員

《鹽湖研究》 青年編委















1. 國家重點研發計劃課題🙂‍↔️,360萬,主持👨🏿‍🎓,在研

2. 青海省自然科學基金面上項目👩‍👩‍👧‍👦,35萬🙍🏿‍♀️,主持🍘,在研

3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,71萬,主持,結題

4. 國家自然科學基金面上項目🚬👩🏽‍🏭,60萬🧑‍🦯‍➡️,主持,結題

5. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,25萬🌹,主持, 結題

6. 教育部博士學科點專項科研基金,4萬🏂🏽,主持, 結題

7. 青海省應用基礎研究項目,40萬,主持👳‍♂️,結題

8. 國家“863”項目子課題👳🏿‍♂️,35萬🧜,主持,結題

9. 國家“863”項目子課題🐥,160萬,主持,結題


1. Ze Sun*, Yuxin Luo, Ping Song, Xianyang Gao. Acceleration of Thermal Decomposition of Molten Nitrates by Cr in Steel and Promotion of This Effect by Halogens. AIChE Journal. 2023, 69(1): e17905.

2. Doudou Yao, Panchun Tang, Ping Song, Ze Sun*. Viscosities and Densities of Mixed Aqueous Alkali Metal Nitrate Solutions at T = (293.15 to 333.15) K. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 2022(67)2088-2097.

3. Rui Cao, Panchun Tang, Xiaobo Yang, Ze Sun*. DFT-based study on the molecular interaction of hydrochloric acid with different extractants. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2022(357): 119108

4. Lei Su, Baicheng Pan, Ze Sun*, Ping Song, Xingfu Song. Extraction Kinetics of Nitric Acid from the Nitric Acid-Hydrochloric Acid-Potassium Chloride Solution by Tributyl Phosphate. Separation and Purification Technology. 2021(274): 118984.

5. Ze Sun*, Lei Su, Doudou Yao, Xiaobo Yang, and Xingfu Song. Selective Separation of HNO3 and HCl by Extraction: The Investigation on the Noncovalent Interaction between Extractants and Acids by Density Functional Theory. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2021(125): 1214-1226

6. Ze Sun*, Lei Su, Xianyang Gao, Guimin Lu, Xingfu Song, Jianguo Yu. Influences of Impurity Cl- on the Thermal Performance of Solar Salt for Thermal Energy Storage. Solar Energy. 2021 (216): 90–95

7. Ni Haiou, Wu Jie, Sun Ze*, Lu Guimin, Yu Jianguo. Influence of NO2 on the Microscopic Structure and Physical Properties of the Binary Nitrate Salts: a Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study. Journal of Thermal Science. 2020, 29(2): 464-476

8. Haiou Ni, Jie Wu, Ze Sun*, Guimin Lu, Jianguo Yu. Insight into the viscosity enhancement ability of Ca(NO3)2 on the binary molten nitrate salt: A molecular dynamics simulation study. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019, 377, 120029: 1-9

9. Haiou Ni, Jie Wu, Ze Sun*, Guimin Lu, Jianguo Yu. Molecular simulation of the structure and physical properties of alkali nitrate salts for thermal energy storage. Renewable Energy 2019, 136955-967

10. Hang Chen, Ze Sun*, Xingfu Song, and Jianguo Yu*. Equilibrium Characteristics of KH2PO4 Production by Liquid, Liquid Extraction with a Trialkyl Amine-Based Solvent Mixture: A Case Study. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 2018, 63🐖:4024−4031

11. Ze Sun, Chongjing Hu, Haiou Ni, Guimin Lu, Xingfu Song, Jianguo Yu. Influence of Impurity SO42- on the Thermal Performance of Molten Nitrates used for Thermal Energy Storage. Energy Technology. 2018, 6(10)2065-2073

12. Ze Sun, Liwei Cai, Haiou Ni, Guimin Lu, Xingfu Song, Jianguo Yu. Investigation of the local structures and transport properties of quaternary molten alkali chloride systems by MD simulations for liquid metal batteries. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry. 2018, 48:1175-1187

13. Ze Sun*, Liwei Cai, Chenglin Liu, Guimin Lu and Jianguo Yu. Analysis for Effects of Electrolyte Level on Energy Consumption in Magnesium Electrolysis by Finite Element Method. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2017,95(4)648–655

14. Ze Sun*, Chongjing Hu, Chenglin Liu, Guimin Lu and Jianguo Yu. Optimization of Mixing Parameters for a Cold Model System by CFD for Aluminum Matrix Composites Synthesis process. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2017, 95(3):467-474

15. Hang Chen, Ze Sun*, Xingfu Song and Jianguo Yu. Operating Regimes and Hydrodynamics of a Rotating-Disc Contactor. Chemical Engineering & Technology. 2017, 40(3)498-505

16. Ze Sun*, Jia Wang, Wei Du, Guimin Lu, Ping Li, Xingfu Song and Jianguo Yu. Density functional theory study on thethermodynamics and mechanism of carbon dioxidecapture by CaO and CaO regeneration. RSC Advances. 2016,639460-39468

17. Hang Chen, Ze Sun*, Xingfu Song, Jianguo Yu. A pseudo-3D model with 3D accuracy and 2D cost for the CFD–PBM simulation of a pilot-scale rotating disc contactor. Chemical Engineering Science. 2016, 139🥽:27-40

18. Hang Chen, Ze Sun*, Xingfu Song, and Jianguo Yu. Efficient Extraction of Phosphoric Acid with a Trialkyl Amine-Based Solvent Mixture. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 2016, 61 (1)🙍:438-443

19. Ze Sun*, Chenglin Liu, Guimin Lu, Xingfu Song, Jianguo Yu. Effects of operational and structural parameters on cellvoltage of industrial magnesium electrolysis cells. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering. 2015, 9(4): 522–531

20. Ze Sun*, Haiou Ni, Hang Chen, Suzhen Li, Guimin Lu and Jianguo Yu. Designing and optimizing a stirring system for a coldmodel of lithium electrolysis cell based on CFDsimulations and optical experiments. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 84503 - 84516

21. Jia Wang, Jie Wu, Ze Sun*, Guimin Lu, Jianguo Yu. Molecular dynamics study of the transport properties and localstructures of molten binary systems (Li, Na)Cl, (Li, K)Cl and (Na, K)Cl. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2015, 209: 498–507

22. Zhen Liu, Ze Sun* and Jian-Guo Yu. Investigation of dodecylammonium adsorption on mica, albite and quartz surfaces by QM/MMsimulation. Molecular Physics. 2015, 113(22)🩸:3423–3430

23. Chenglin Liu, Ze Sun*, Guimin Lu, Xingfu Song, Jianguo Yu. 3D and 2D experimental views on the flow field of gas-evolving electrode cold model for electrolysis magnesium. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2015, 45😗:415-420

24. Cheng-Lin Liu, Ze Sun*, Gui-Min Lu, Xing-Fu Song, and Jian-Guo Yu. Experimental and numerical investigation of two-phase flow patterns in magnesium electrolysis cell with non-uniform current density distribution. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2015, 93(3)565–579

25. Hang Chen, Ze Sun*, Xingfu Song, and Jianguo Yu. Key parameters prediction and validation for a pilot-scale rotating disc contactor by CFD-PBM simulation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.2014, 53 (51), pp 20013–20023

26. Jia Wang, Ze Sun*, Guimin Lu, and Jianguo Yu. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Local Structures and Transport Coefficients of Molten Alkali Chlorides. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2014, 118, 10196−10206

27. Chenglin Liu, Ze Sun*, Guimin Lu, Xingfu Song, Yulong Ding and Jianguo Yu.  Scale-up design of a 300 kA magnesium electrolysis cell based on thermo-electric mathematical models. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2014, 92(7):1197–1206


1. 一種金屬在熔鹽中溶解度測定取樣裝置😢、取樣方法及應用🙏🏿,發明授權.ZL 2017 1 1286830.5

2. 一種大電流無隔板鎂電解槽. 發明授權. ZL 2012 1 0006071.3

3. 適合於含固體萃取操作的改進型轉盤塔內構件. 發明授權.  ZL 2014 1 0852325.2

4. 一種高電流效率雙集鎂室的鎂電解槽.發明授權.  ZL 2014 1 0270112.9

5. 一種短流程高密度低電阻塊狀石墨陽極的製備方法. 發明授權.  ZL 2010 1 0224181.8

6. 一種新型生產低電阻高密度石墨材料的添加劑. 發明授權.  ZL 2011 1 0001977.1

7. 一種氯化鉀生產工藝中的高效環保型旋流器. 發明授權. ZL 2013 2 0206558.6

網頁發布時間: 2014-09-10
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