聯系方式👩🏿💻: 地址💵: 上海市梅隴路130號資環EON4辦公區201室 電話: 021-64252930 Email:Wang Fangfang, Xu Jialuo, Huang Yinzhi, Xiu Guangli*.Characterization of Black Carbon and Its Correlations with VOCs in the Northern Region of Hangzhou Bay in Shanghai, China. Atmosphere,2021,12(7):870. (唯一通訊作者) 10、Yinzhi Huang, Song Gao, Shijian Wu, Xiang Che, Yong Yang, Junjie Gu, Wen Tan, Dinghua Ruan, Guangli Xiu*, Qingyan Fu. Stationary monitoring and source apportionment of VOCs in a chemical industrial park by combining rapid direct-inlet MSs with a GC-FID/MS[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 795, 148639. (唯一通訊作者) 11、Huang Yinzhi, Xiu Guangli*, Lu Yifeng, Gao Song*, Li Liting, Chen Lingxiao, Huang Qing, Yang Yue, Che Xiang, Chen Xi, Fu Qingyan. Application of an emission profile-based method to trace the sources of volatile organic compounds in a chemical industrial park. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 768, 144694. (共同通訊作者) 12、Lu Weier, Wang Zhenwen, Xiu Guangli*. Biodegradation of gaseous xylene in a flat composite membrane bioreactor. Environmental Technology 2021, 42 (13), 1989-1995. (唯一通訊作者) 13👽、Qaraah Fahim A, Mahyoub Samah A, Hezam Abdo, Drmosh Qasem A., Munyaneza Janvier, Yu Qi, Xiu Guangli*. One step-polymerization for constructing 1D/2D oxygen doped g-C3N4 isotype heterojunctions with highly improved visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2021, 9 (6), 106587. (唯一通訊作者) 14🕵🏽、Yang Xuerui, Cao Xue, Zhang Li, Wu Yanlin, Zhou Lei*, Xiu Guangli*, Ferronato Corinne, Chovelon Jean-Marc. Sulfate radical-based oxidation of the aminopyralid and picloram herbicides: The role of amino group on pyridine ring. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 405, 124181. (共同通訊作者) 15🧑🏿🦳、Yang Xuerui, Ding Xi, Zhou Lei*, Zhao Qing, Ji Yuefei, Wang Xingbao, Chovelon Jean-Marc, Xiu Guangli*. Direct oxidation of antibiotic trimethoprim by unactivated peroxymonosulfate via a nonradical transformation mechanism. Chemosphere 2021, 263, 128194. (共同通訊作者) 16、Yang Xuerui, Ding Xi, Zhou Lei*, Ji Yuefei, Xiu Guangli*. Oxygen dependent oxidation of trimethoprim by sulfate radical: Kinetic and mechanistic investigations [J]. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2021, 32(10): 3164-3168. (共同通訊作者) 17、Zhang Gangfeng, Fei Bo, Xiu Guangli*. Characteristics of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks from Equipment Components: A Study of the Pharmaceutical Industry in China. Sustainability 2021, 13 (11), 6274. (唯一通訊作者) 18、Dongfang Wang, Juntao Huo, Yusen Duan, Kun Zhang, Aijun Ding, Qingyan Fu*, Jiahui Luo, Dongnian Fei, Guangli Xiu*, Kan Huang*. Vertical distribution and transport of air pollutants during a regional haze event in eastern China: A tethered mega-balloon observation study, Atmospheric Environment 2021, 246, 118039. (共同通訊作者) 19🔺、Ma Lin, Joshua E Muscat, Raghu Sinha, Dongxiao Sun, Guangli Xiu*. Proteomics of exhaled breath condensate in lung cancer and controls using data-independent acquisition (DIA): a pilot study. Journal of breath research, 2021,15(1). (唯一通訊作者) 20、Cao Xue, Yan Chenzhi, Yang Xuerui, Zhou Lei*, Zou Wenjun, Xiu Guangli*. Photolysis-Induced Neurotoxicity Enhancement of Chlorpyrifos in Aquatic System: A Case Investigation on Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2020, 68 (2), 461-470. (共同通訊作者) 21、Duan Lian, Yan Lei, Xiu Guangli*. Online Measurement of PM2.5 at an Air Monitoring Supersite in Yangtze River Delta: Temporal Variation and Source Identification. Atmosphere 2020, 11 (8), 789. (唯一通訊作者) 22、Hu Xiaofeng, Yin Yongzheng, Duan Lian*, Wang Hong, Song, Weijun. Xiu Guangli*. Temporal and Spatial Variation of PM2.5 in Xining, Northeast of the Qinghai–Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. Atmosphere 2020, 11 (9), 953. (共同通訊作者) 23、Qaraah Fahim A, Mahyoub Samah A, Hezam Abdo, Zhang Wei, Xiu Guangli*, Munyaneza Janvier, Wu Chengzi. Facile synthesis of flower-like hierarchical N-doped Nb2O5/C nanostructures with efficient photocatalytic activity under visible light. Rsc Advances 2020, 10 (54), 32309-32322. (唯一通訊作者) 24、Yang Xuerui, Ding Xi, Zhou Lei*, Fan Huan-huan, Wang Xingbao, Ferronato Corinne, Chovelon Jean-Marc, Xiu Guangli*. New insights into clopyralid degradation by sulfate radical: Pyridine ring cleavage pathways. Water Research 2020, 171, 115378. (共同通訊作者) 25、Zhang Kun, Xu Jialuo, Huang Qing, Zhou Lei*, Fu Qingyan, Duan Yusen, Xiu Guangli*. Precursors and potential sources of ground-level ozone in suburban Shanghai. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2020, 14 (6), 92. (共同通訊作者) 26、Zhang Kun, Zhou Lei*, Fu Qingyan, Yan Lei, Morawska Lidia, Jayaratne Rohan, Xiu Guangli*. Sources and vertical distribution of PM2.5 over Shanghai during the winter of 2017. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 706, 135683. (共同通訊作者) 27、Fahim A. Qaraah, Samah A. Mahyoub, Mahmoud Elsayed Hafez, Guangli Xiu*. Facile route for C–N/Nb2O5 nanonet synthesis based on 2-methylimidazole for visible-light driven photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B[J]. RSC Advances, 2019, 9, 39561-39571. (唯一通訊作者) 28、Shen Xiaobo*, Zhang Chao, Xiu Guangli*, Zhu Hongya. Evolution of premixed stoichiometric hydrogen/air flame in a closed duct. Energy 2019, 176, 265-271. (共同通訊作者) 29、Zhang Kun, Zhou Lei*, Fu Qingyan, Yan Lei, Bian Qinggen, Wang Dongfang, Xiu Guangli*. Vertical distribution of ozone over Shanghai during late spring: A balloon-borne observation. Atmospheric Environment 2019, 208, 48-60. (共同通訊作者) 30👩🏽🍼、宋夢齡,唐文婷, 張巍, 宋捷, 沈曉波, 修光利*.印刷環節揮發性有機物無組織排放特征測定研究[J]. 環境汙染與防治. 2022,44(02). 31、馬琳,孫東曉,鎮華君,修光利*.基於非依賴數據采集的呼出氣冷凝液蛋白質組加權基因共表達網絡分析[J/OL].EON4注册學報(自然科學版):1-9[2022-06-11]. 32、印月,鎮華君*,修光利*.基於HepG2細胞脂質組學方法對黃浦江水質的綜合評價[J].生態毒理學報,2021,16(04):141-150. 33👩🏻🦼、黃晴, 黃銀芝, 張珊, 金丹, 高松, 修光利*.基於邊界觀測的長三角某工業區O3來源特征[J]. 環境科學. 2021,42(10). 34、張鋼鋒, 費波, 修光利*.泄漏檢測與修復(LDAR)建檔方法研究及應用進展[J]. 環境科學研究. 2021,34(04). 35、楊悅, 徐家洛, 黃銀芝, 修光利*.基於Tanks 4.0.9d模型的儲罐VOCs排放特征定量研究[J]. 石油煉製與化工. 2020,51(12) 36🐥、張鋼鋒, 費波, 修光利*.泄漏檢測與修復(LDAR)技術在塗料製造行業的應用研究.塗料工業. 2020,50(12). 37🎨、王芳芳, 徐家洛, 段玉森, 霍俊濤, 林燕芬, 修光利*.上海市2020年初黑碳汙染特征分析[J]. 環境科學與技術. 2020,43(10). 38、陳淩霄, 修光利*, 黃銀芝.聚氨酯和聚碳酸酯製造過程的惡臭排放特征和指紋譜[J]. 環境工程學報. 2021,15(02). 39、徐家洛, 段煉, 朱雨欣, 陳淩霄, 黃晴, 修光利*. 杭州灣北岸上海段石化集中區臭氧重汙染過程研究[J].環境科學研究. 2020,33(10). 40👼、陳佳慧,於潮曉,李萌,修光宏,修光利*.2012—2017年煙臺市2206例原發性肺癌流行病學特征分析[J].環境與健康雜誌,2020,37(04):364-366. 41、修光利*, 吳應, 王芳芳, 余惠潔, 趙江月, 張巍.我國固定源揮發性有機物汙染管控的現狀與挑戰[J].環境科學研究. 2020,33(09). 42、修光利*, 吳應, 宋釗, 王向明, 劉傑, 尚玉梅.加強揮發性有機物全過程控製,推動塗料🧻、油墨及膠粘劑工業可持續發展---《塗料🐹、油墨及膠粘劑工業大氣汙染物排放標準》(GB37824-2019)解讀[J]. 環境監控與預警. 2020,12(01). 43、吳軒,曾葭儀,修光利*.柴油尾氣顆粒對秀麗隱桿線蟲慢性毒性效應的初步研究[J].生態環境學報,2020,29(01):175-182. 44、陸薇兒,修光利*.鈣離子存在下胞外聚合物及其模擬溶液在膜汙染中的差異[J].環境工程學報,2020,14(04):1003-1012. 45、黃銀芝, 高松, 盛濤, 修光利*.上海工業區環境空氣VOCs預警值及特征物種篩選方法研究[J]. 環境監測管理與技術. 2019,31(05). 46🙍、鄒文君, 修光利*, 鮑仙華, 席雪飛, 陳佳慧, 閆磊, 王震東.汽車零配件塗裝過程VOCs排放特征與案例分析[J]. 環境科學研究. 2019,32(08). 47、閆磊, 黃銀芝, 高松, 修光利*.杭州灣北岸36種揮發性有機物汙染特征及來源解析[J].環境科學研究. 2020,33(03). 48、曹雪,李輝*,修光利*.環境濃度下壬基酚對秀麗隱桿線蟲時間依賴性的毒性興奮效應[J].生態毒理學報,2019,14(02):187-194. 49、顧鑫生, 修光利*.基於SPECIATE數據庫的典型行業揮發性有機惡臭物質篩選[J]. 環境工程學報. 2019,13(03). 50、王震東, 沈曉波, 修光利*, 陳佳慧, 閆磊, 鄒文君.國內外石化行業火炬汙染排放控製標準與規範研究[J]. 環境科學研究. 2019,32(09). 51、胡曉峰, 趙露, 李佳, 修光利*, 王建榮.西寧取暖季PM2.5水溶性離子的汙染特征研究[J]. 環境汙染與防治. 2019,41(01). 52、胡曉峰, 張翔, 柳笑, 張曉晶, 修光利*, 王虹, 王建榮. 西寧市PM2.5水溶性無機離子特征及其來源解析[J]. 環境科學研究. 2019,32(07). 53、顧鑫生, 劉傑, 修光利*.塗料行業重點揮發性有機物的篩選與建議[J]. 塗料工業. 2019,49(01). 54、鄒文君, 劉傑, 鮑仙華, 修光利*.國內外塗料製造工業揮發性有機物排放標準比較[J]. 環境科學研究. 2019,32(03). 55🦸、孫運築, 修光利*, 段玉森, 伏晴艷.上海市澱山湖區域灰霾天大氣顆粒物中碳組分的汙染特征[J]. 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