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    (1) 氣流床水煤漿氣化基礎研究與工程應用

    (2) 氣化與燃燒火焰光譜診斷

    (3) 含碳固體廢棄物資源化利用


    2023.01-至今:EON4注册, 教授

    2015.09-2022.12:EON4注册, 副教授













    2021年中國石油和化學工業聯合會科技進步一等獎 排名10

    2017年中國石油和化學工業聯合會科技進步一等獎 排名7

    2017年上海市科技進步二等獎 排名3



    (1) 國家自然科學基金面上項目,2022.01-2025.12. 主持🧘🏽,在研

    (2) 國家自然科學基金區域創新發展聯合基金重點項目,2022.01-2025.12. 課題負責,在研

    (3) 美國能源部DOE-University of Kentucky子課題,2017.11-2020.10. 主持,結題

    (4) 國家重點研發計劃課題,2017.7-2021.6. 主持🍯,結題

    (5) 國家自然科學基金青年基金,2011.01-2013.12,主持,結題


    [1] Xiaoxiang Wu, Yan Gong, Qinghua Guo*, Hantao Lu, Guangsuo Yu*. Experimental study of particle evolution characteristics below the burner plane in an impinging entrained-flow gasifier. Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 251: 117445.

    [2] Qinghua Guo*, Heng Li, Simin Wang, Yan Gong, Liang Ren, Guangsuo Yu*. Experimental Study on Preparation of Oxygen Reduction Catalyst from Coal Gasification Residual Carbon. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022, 446: 137256.

    [3] Jiabao Yang, Yan Gong, Qinghua Guo*, Lu Ding, Fuchen Wang, Guangsuo Yu*. Study on the mechanism of reaction zone displacement in CO2-diluted CH4/O2 diffusion flames based on OH* chemiluminescence diagnosis. Fuel. 2022, 318: 123614.

    [4] Qinghua Guo*, Shanshan Li, Yan Gong, Fuchen Wang, Guangsuo Yu*. Application of qualitative trend analysis in fault diagnosis of entrained-flow coal-water slurry gasifier. Control Engineering Practice, 2021, 112: 104835.

    [5] Jiabao Yang, Yan Gong, Qinghua Guo*, Huiwen Zhu, Fuchen Wang, Guangsuo Yu*. Experimental studies of the effects of global equivalence ratio and CO2 dilution level on the OH* and CH* chemiluminescence in CH4/O2 diffusion flames. Fuel. 2020, 278: 118307.

    [6] Qinghua Guo, Zhiqing Zhang, Qing He, Yan Gong, Yuchen Huang, Guangsuo Yu*. Characteristics of high-carbon content slag and utilization for coal-water slurry preparation. Energy & Fuels, 2020, 2020, 34(11): 14058-14064.

    [7] Qinghua Guo, Zhiqing Zhang, Zhicun Xue, Yan Gong, Guangsuo Yu*, Fuchen Wang. Coal char particle secondary fragmentation in an entrained-flow coal-water slurry gasifier. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2019, 92: 578-586.

    [8] Zhicun Xue, Yan Gong, Qinghua Guo*, Fuchen Wang, Guangsuo Yu*. Visualization study on breakup modes of coal water slurry in an impinging entrained-flow gasifier. Fuel, 2019, 244: 40-47.

    [9] Chonghe Hu, Yan Gong, Qinghua Guo*, Lei He, Guangsuo Yu*. Investigations of CH* Chemiluminescence and Blackbody Radiation in Opposed Impinging Coal-Water Slurry Flames Based on an Entrained-Flow Gasifier. Fuel, 2018, 221: 688-696.

    [10] Juntao Wei, Qinghua Guo*, Lu Ding, Kunio Yoshikawa, Guangsuo Yu*. Synergy Mechanism Analysis of Petroleum Coke and Municipal Solid Waste(MSW)-Derived Hydrochar Co-gasification. Applied Energy, 2017, 206: 1354-1363.

    [11] Zhicun Xue, Qinghua Guo*, Yan Gong, Jianliang Xu, Guangsuo Yu*.Numerical study of a reacting single coal char particle with different pore structures moving in a hot O2/CO2 atmosphere. Fuel, 2017, 206: 381-389.

    [12] Xudong Song, Qinghua Guo*, Chonghe Hu, Yan Gong, Guangsuo Yu*. Optical experimental study on the characteristics of impinging coal-water slurry flame in an opposed multi-burner gasifier. Fuel, 2017, 188: 132-139.

    [13] Chonghe Hu, Yan Gong, Qinghua Guo*, Xudong Song, Guangsuo Yu*. An experimental study on the spectroscopic characteristics in coal-water slurry diffusion flames based on hot-oxygen burner technology. Fuel Processing Technology, 2016, 154: 168-177.

    [14] Qinghua Guo, Zhijie Zhou, Fuchen Wang, Guangsuo Yu*. Slag properties of blending coal in an industrial OMB coal water slurry entrained-flow gasifier. Energy Conversion and Management, 2014, 86: 683-688.

    [15] Qinghua Guo, Yan Gong, Jianliang Xu, Guangsuo Yu*, Fuchen Wang. Particulate matter properties in a bench-scale entrained-flow coal water slurry gasifier. Powder Technology, 2014, 254: 125-130.


    [1] Qinghua Guo; Tao Wang; Zhenghua Dai; et. al. Hot Oxygen Nozzle and Uses Thereof in Gasifiers. 美國發明專利,US9481839B2🧤,授權日期:2016.11.1.

    [2] 郭慶華,龔巖,於廣鎖🌱,等. 一種煤氣化細渣中殘碳的分離方法,ZL202011095773.4,授權日期:2022.1.19.

    [3] 郭慶華,於廣鎖🍁,龔巖👏🏿,等. 多噴嘴氣化爐在線倒爐切換的方法, ZL201811045177.8🤜🏿,授權日期:2020.3.20.

    [4] 郭慶華🧔🏼‍♀️,王濤,於廣鎖,等. 一種復合式熱氧噴嘴及其應用. ZL201410527711.4,授權日期🚺:2017.3.29.

    網頁發布時間: 2016-11-28
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