發布時間:2018-04-20 訪問次數:10248 |
聯系方式👫🏻: 地址🧉:上海市梅隴路130號EON4注册實驗9樓 電話🤛🏼:021-64253933 Email🦸:luhf@ecust.edu.cn 研究方向👩🏽🦲🛐: (1)顆粒物質靜力學與動力學行為特性研究🐕; (2)密相氣力輸送系統的復雜物理學機理和動力學特性研究; (3)氣流床粉煤氣化技術基礎研究及應用開發。 工作經歷🙆🏽♂️: 2017/9 - 至今👳♂️🧈,EON4注册,EON4娱乐,副教授 2014/9 - 2015/9,薩勒諾大學(意大利),工EON4,訪問學者 2014/3 - 2017/9🧑🏻🦳,EON4注册,EON4娱乐,講師 2012/3 - 2014/3,EON4注册📿🍊,環境科學與工程博士後流動站,博士後 教育經歷: 2007/9 - 2012/3:博士,EON4注册🦹🏿,化學工藝專業 2003/9 - 2007/6🏋️♂️:學士,EON4注册,化工工程與工藝專業 教學情況: 本科生:專業外語(能源)🕵️♀️🚾、畢業實習🧑🏿🔬、畢業小設計 榮譽及獲獎🧑🏻🦱: (1) 陸海峰(19/30),單噴嘴冷壁式粉煤加壓氣化技術關鍵裝備開發及應用♟,上海市人民政府🛀🏽👨🏿🍳,上海市技術發明獎,特等🧖🏿♂️,2015 (2) 陸海峰(15/15),中國石化揚子石油化工有限公司單噴嘴冷壁式粉煤加壓氣化工業化示範項目,中國石油和化工自動化應用協會,中國石油和化工自動化行業科學技術獎,一等🧀,2018 (3) 陸海峰,青年英才培育計劃,EON4注册🧑🧑🧒🏨,2018 (4) 陸海峰,優秀青年教師培育項目,EON4注册,2014 (5) 陸海峰,優秀青年教師,EON4娱乐🎏,2018, 2020 科研項目📌🏊🏿: 氣力輸送系統的復雜物理學機理和動力學特性研究🧔🏿♂️,國家自然科學基金面上項目🙎♀️🙆🏻,2019/01-2022/12,主持; 苛刻工況下閥門和管道的失效分析與智能防控技術,“十三五”國家重點研發計劃項目子課題,2018/07-2021/06,主持👗; 高濃度煤粉在文丘裏管內流動機理與規律研究,國家自然科學基金青年項目,2013/01-2015/12,主持🫃🏼; 煤粉流動特性及其影響因素的作用機理分析🌑,中國博士後科學基金面上資助項目,2012/10-2014/03,主持; 氣流床粉煤氣化用煤料倉下料數值模擬研究,中央高校基本科研業務費👨🏼🌾,2012/10-2014/10🏐,主持; 粉末供料特性及其影響因素研究,企業橫向課題,2020/06-2121/06,主持; 遠距離粉體輸送測試研究,企業橫向課題,2019/07-2020/07,主持; 粉體表面性能測試與分析👩🦼➡️,企業橫向課題,2018/03-2018/12,主持; “多噴嘴對置式水煤漿或煤粉氣化爐及其應用”專利實施許可🔧,企業橫向課題,2017/05-2025/05,主持
代表性論文: Haifeng Lu*, Jiakun Cao, Domenico Macri, Xiaolei Guo, Haifeng Liu, Xin Gong. Experimental study on defluidization behaviours and its influence factors during gas switching fluidization. Powder Technol. 380(2021), 106-114. Haifeng Lu*, Jiakun Cao, Xiaolei Guo, Xin Gong, Cong Luo. Evaluation of powder tensile strength by compression, shear and fluidization modules of the powder rheometer. Chem. Eng. Res. Des.160(2020), 1-10. Lizhuo Zhu, Haifeng Lu*, Massimo Poletto, Haifeng Liu *, Zhiwen Deng. Hopper discharge of cohesive powders using pulsated airflow. AIChE Journal. 66(2020), 16240. Meihua Chen, Haifeng Lu*, Yong Jin, Xiaolei Guo, Xin Gong*, Haifeng Liu. Experimental and numerical study on gas-solid two-phase flow through regulating valve of pulverized coal flow. Chem. Eng. Res. Des.155(2020), 1-11. Dong Sun, Haifeng Lu*, Jiakun Cao, Yuting Wu, Xiaolei Guo, Xin Gong*. Flow mechanisms and solid flow rate prediction of powders discharged from hoppers with an insert. Powder Technol. 367(2020), 277-284. Yong Jin, Haifeng Lu*, Xiaolei Guo, Xin Gong*. Study on the influence of different carrier gases on the fluidization properties of glass bead and FCC powders. Powder Technol. 376(2020), 468-476. Yong Jin, Haifeng Lu*, Xiaolei Guo, Xin Gong*. Characteristics and formation mechanism of plug flow in the industrial vertical pipeline of dense-phase pneumatic conveying of pulverized coal. Chem. Eng. Sci. 205(2019), 319-331. Yong Jin, Haifeng Lu*, Xiaolei Guo, Xin Gong*. Flow patterns classification of dense-phase pneumatic conveying of pulverized coal in the industrial vertical pipeline. Adv. Powder Technol. 30(2019), 1277-1289. Yong Jin, Haifeng Lu*, Xiaolei Guo, Xin Gong*. Multiscale analysis of flow patterns in the dense-phase pneumatic conveying of pulverized coal. AIChE Journal. 65(2019), e16674. Yinan Zheng, Haifeng Lu*, Xiaolei Guo, Xin Gong*. Study on the effect of nanoparticles on the bulk and flow properties of granular systems. Fuel Process Technol. 177(2018), 30-38. Yong Jin, Haifeng Lu*, Xiaolei Guo, Xin Gong*. The effect of water addition on the surface energy, bulk and flow properties of lignite. Fuel Process Technol. 176(2018), 91-100. Haifeng Lu, Xiaolei Guo, Yong Jin, Xin Gong*. Effect of moisture on flowability of pulverized coal. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 133(2018), 326-334. Yong Jin, Haifeng Lu*, Xiaolei Guo, Xin Gong*. Effect of water addition on flow properties of lignite particles. Chem. Eng. Res. Des.132(2018), 1020-1029 Xueli Chen*, Yang Xu, Haifeng Lu*, Xiaolei Guo. Effect of the moisture content of straw on the internal friction angle of a granular biomass–coal system. Fuel. 215(2018), 266-217. Haifeng Lu, Xiaolei Guo, Yong Jin, Xin Gong*. Dense-feeding of pulverized coal into the entrained-flow gasifier. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 56(2017), 9734-9742. Haifeng Lu, Xiaolei Guo, Peng Li, Kai Liu, Xin Gong*. Design optimization of a venturi tube geometry in dense-phase pneumatic conveying of pulverized coal for entrained-flow gasification. Chem. Eng. Res. Des.120(2017), 208-217. Haifeng Lu, Xiaolei Guo, Yong Jin, Xin Gong*, Wei Zhao, Diego Barletta, Massimo Poletto. Powder discharge from a hopper-standpipe system modelled with CPFD. Adv. Powder Technol.28(2017), 481-490. Haifeng Lu, Xiaolei Guo, Yi Liu, Peng Li, Xin Gong*. Solid-Mass Flow-Rate Prediction in Dense-Phase Pneumatic Conveying of Pulverized Coal by a Venturi Device. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.55(2016), 10455−10464. Haifeng Lu, Xiaolei Guo, Xin Gong*, Diego Barletta, Massimo Poletto. Prediction of solid discharge rates of pulverized coal from an aerated hopper. Powder Technol. 286(2015), 645-653. Haifeng Lu, Xiaolei Guo, Shunlong Tao, Xin Gong*. A further study on effect of gas type on pulverized coal discharge. Powder Technol. 281(2015), 193-199. Haifeng Lu, Xiaolei Guo, Yi Liu, Xin Gong*. Effect of Particle Size on Flow mode and Flow Characteristics of Pulverized Coal. KONA Powder and Particle Journal.32(2015), 143-153. Haifeng Lu, Xiaolei Guo, Wei Zhao, Xin Gong*, Jun Lu. Experimental and CPFD numerical study on hopper discharge. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 53(2014), 12160−12169. Haifeng Lu, Xiaolei Guo, Xin Gong*, Xingliang Cong, Kai Liu, Haifeng Qi. Experimental study on aerated discharge of the pulverized coal. Chem. Eng. Sci. 71(2012), 438-448. Haifeng Lu, Xiaolei Guo, Xingliang Cong, Kai Liu, Xiaolin Sun, Kai Xie, Xin Gong*, Jun Lu. The discharge of pulverized coal from a pressurized aerated hopper. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 51(2012), 13839-13845. Haifeng Lu, Xiaolei Guo, Xin Gong*, Xingliang Cong, Kai Liu, Haifeng Qi. Effects of gas type and hopper pressure on the discharge of the pulverized coal. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 51(2012), 3709-3714. Haifeng Lu, Xiaolei Guo, Xin Gong*, Xingliang Cong, Weibin Dong, Wanjie Huang. Effect of gas type on the fluidization and discharge characteristics of the pulverized coal. Powder Technol. 217(2012), 347-355. Haifeng Lu, Xiaolei Guo, Wanjie Huang, Kai Liu, Xin Gong*. Flow characteristics and pressure drop across the Laval nozzle in dense phase pneumatic conveying of the pulverized coal. Chem. Eng. Process. 50(2011), 702-708. Haifeng Lu, Xiaolei Guo, Xin Gong*, Xingliang Cong, Weibin Dong. Study on the fluidization and discharge characteristics of cohesive coals from an aerated hopper. Powder Technol. 207(2011), 199-207. Haifeng Lu, Xiaolei Guo, Xin Gong*, Wanjie Huang, Sheng Ma, Chuanhong Wang. Study of the Flowability of Pulverized Coals. Energy & fuels. 23(2009), 5529-5535.
網頁發布時間: 2018-04-20