Seminar on Engineering Ethics was Held
發布時間👩🏻‍🚀:2019-09-09   訪問次數:11

        Engineering Ethics is a public selective course for graduate students in ECUST. It aims to offer project management knowledge for graduate students majoring in engineering and improve their comprehensive capabilities. Besides the traditional method of classroom teaching, students can also study through online courses. Moreover, this class will also combine case studies and scenario simulation on specific topics to teach the moral principles of engineering and the applied ethics of engineering techniques.

On September 6, the seminar of “Engineering Ethics” was held in conference room 317 of the eighth experiment building with the attendance of related teachers. It was presided over by Professor Xiu Guangli, discipline principal and Party Secretary of School of Resources and Environmental Engineering. All the participants had an exchange and discussion on the class organization, real effect and difficulties in autumn 2018.

At last, Prof. Xiu Guangli pointed out that teachers should update their teaching materials and encouraged them to overcome the difficulties to bring better teaching experiences for students.


網頁發布時間: 2019-09-09
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