1. First-level discipline doctoral program in Environmental Science and Engineering

  In addition to public courses, there are professional courses (degree courses): Advanced Introduction to Pollution Control Engineering, Advanced Introduction of Pollution Control Chemistry, Green Design and Ecological Materials, Modern Green Metallurgy and Environmental Control, Ecological Toxicity and Principles of Restoration, Theory and Technology for Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control and Restoration (in English), as well as other professional degree courses and non-degree courses.

2. First-level discipline master program in Environmental Science and Engineering

  In addition to public courses, there are compulsory professional core courses (degree courses): Modern Experimental Techniques for Environmental Monitoring and Analysis; elective professional core courses (degree courses): Theory and Modern Technology for Water Pollution Control, Pollution Ecology, Theory and Technology for Air Pollution Control (in English), Solid Waste Recycling Technology (in English), Advanced Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, and other core courses suggested by supervisors or in project requirements; elective professional courses: academic lectures (compulsory) and enterprise practice (compulsory), Laboratory Safety, Health and Environment Management, Fundamentals of Pressure Vessel Safety Technology, Modern Environmental Biotechnology, Technology Development and Engineering Design for Water Treatment, Molecular Environmental Biology, Application of Environmental Biotechnology for Wastewater and Waste Treatment, Theory and Technology for Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control and Restoration (in English), Mathematical Model Simulation and Control for Wastewater Treatment, Environmental Systems Engineering, Environmental Risk Assessment, Ecological Toxicology, Green Chemistry and Clean Production, Sustainable Development Theory and Practice, Energy and Environment, Environmental Electrochemistry, Industrial Water Treatment Technology, as well as Mathematics, other academic courses, other professional degree courses and non-degree courses that are available; and comprehensive literacy courses.

3. First-level discipline doctoral program in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics

  In addition to public courses, there are professional courses: Frontiers in Process Equipment Discipline, Progress in Chemical Engineering (Advanced Lectures), Progress in Modern Material Science and Technology, Principles of Structural Integrity, Micro-Nano Systems and Engineering, Numerical Calculations of Flow and Heat Transfer, Process Equipment Failure Analysis and Prevention, High-temperature Reaction Engineering, Multiphase Fluid Dynamics, Materials and Surface Science, Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, and Advanced Physical Chemistry.

4.First-level discipline master program in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics

  In addition to public courses, there are: professional core courses (degree courses): Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics, Finite Element Method and its Application in Process Equipment, Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Modern Engineering Materials, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Heat Transfer Theory and Applications, Elastic Mechanics, Engineering Testing and Signal Processing, Solid State Physics, Multiphase Flow and its Applications, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Clean Coal Technology, Energy Conversion Engineering, and Fundamentals of Entrained-Bed Gasification Technology; professional elective courses: Engineering Practice (compulsory), Computational Mechanics Software and Applications, Fundamentals of Pressure Vessel Safety Technology, Equipment Testing and Diagnosis, Material Damage and Fracture, Fluid Sealing Theory and Applications, Principles of Polymer Material Processing, Finite Element Methods for Engineering (in English), Fluid Mechanics (in English), Chemical Mechanical Process Design and Industrial Applications, Non-destructive Testing Technology and Defect Evaluation, Modern Surface Engineering, Engineering Software Programming and Project Development, Computer Control and Interface Technology, Mechanical CAE Technology and Applications, Plasticity Mechanics, Vibration Theory and Applications, Material Research Methods and Experiments, Transfer Theory and Reaction Engineering, Process Development Methods, Gasification and Combustion Engineering, Coal-based Polygeneration Systems, Future Energy Technology, Energy and Environment, Combustion Flame Detection, as well as Mathematics, other academic courses, other professional degree courses and non-degree courses that are available; and comprehensive literacy courses.

5. First-level discipline master program in Security Science and Engineering

  In addition to public courses, there are: professional core courses (degree courses): Wastewater Treatment Theory and Modern Technology, Non-destructive Testing Technology and Defect Evaluation, Material Damage and Fracture, Introduction to Security Engineering, Equipment Safety Theory and Technology, Fire and Explosion Prevention in Chemical Production, Security Systems Engineering, Environmental Risk Assessment, Modern Engineering Materials, and Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics; professional elective courses: Engineering Practice (compulsory), Elasticity Mechanics, Plasticity Mechanics, Fundamentals of Pressure Vessel Safety Technology, Modern Surface Engineering, Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials, Engineering Software Programming and Project Development, Equipment Testing and Diagnosis, Finite Element Methods and its Application in Process Equipment, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Computational Mechanics Software and Applications, Material Research Methods and Experiments, Energy and Environment, Future Energy Technology, Transfer Theory and Reaction Engineering, Ecotoxicology, Laboratory Safety, Health and Environment Management, as well as Mathematics, other academic courses, other professional degree courses and non-degree courses that are available; and comprehensive literacy courses.

6. First-level discipline doctoral program in Chemical Engineering and Technology

  In addition to public courses, doctoral programs in Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology include: professional courses such as Progress in Chemical Engineering (Advanced Lectures), Energy Conversion Engineering, Polymer and Chemical Engineering, Advanced Physical Chemistry, Progress in Modern Material Science and Technology, and Combinatorial Optimization.

7. First-level discipline master program in Chemical Engineering and Technology

  In addition to public courses, postgraduate programs in Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology include: professional core courses (degree courses) such as Advanced Reaction Engineering (compulsory), Advanced Separation Engineering (compulsory), Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Process Systems Engineering, Modern Principles of Transfer Process, Principles of Material Processing, Calculation Methods for Chemical Engineering Process Simulation, Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Crystallization and Mineralogy, Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (in English); professional elective courses: Chemical Engineering Academic Lectures (compulsory), Postgraduate Practice (compulsory), Chemical Rheology, Basic Principles of Supercritical Fluid Technology, Membrane Science and Engineering, Optimization of Chemical Processes, Principles of Petrochemical Applications, Catalyst Characterization Methods, Polymerization Catalysts and Processes, Carbon Materials Science, Structure and Effect of Material Additives, Material Research Methods, Intelligent Modeling and Optimization of Chemical Processes, Simulated Moving Bed Technology, Principles and Applications of Green Chemical Engineering, Multi-scale Simulation of Chemical Products, Data Processing and Experimental Design, Process Analysis and Development, Resource Processing Engineering, Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, Energy and Chemical Engineering (in English), Data Processing and Experimental Design (in English), Advanced Separation Engineering (in English), Chemical Process Enhancement Technology (in English), Modern Experimental Technology for Instrument Analysis; and comprehensive literacy courses.

8.Full-time professional master program in Environmental Engineering

  In addition to public courses, there are professional core courses (degree courses): Theory and Modern Technology for Wastewater Treatment, Principles and Technology for Physical Pollution Control, Principles and Technology for Air Pollution Control (in English), Principles and Technology for Solid Waste Control, Environmental Management System Engineering; professional elective courses: Environmental Professional English (compulsory), Environmental Engineering Lectures (compulsory), Sustainable Development Theory and Practice (compulsory), Modern Environmental Biotechnology, Industrial Water Treatment Technology, EHS Management Practice, Environmental Analysis and Monitoring; comprehensive literacy courses: Fitness (compulsory); and practical teaching.

9.Full-time professional master program in Chemical Engineering

  In addition to public courses, there are professional core courses (degree courses): Chemical Reaction Engineering, Advanced Separation Engineering, Theory and Applications of Industrial Catalysis, Chemical and Systems Engineering, Chemical Engineering Energy Analysis; professional elective courses: Professional Foreign Language (compulsory), Progress in Chemical Engineering Technology (compulsory), Safety and Risk Management for Chemical Enterprise (compulsory), Chemical Engineering Design and Process Analysis, Theory and Applications of Chemical Engineering Process Enhancement Technology, Progress in Large-scale Chemical Engineering Equipment, Numerical Simulation of Petrochemical Engineering Units, Theory and Applications of Chemical Engineering Transfer, Engineering Applications of Chemical Engineering Software, Applications Sustainable Development Theory and Practice; comprehensive literacy courses: Fitness (compulsory); and practical teaching.


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